Employer’s Liability Insurance, do I need it?

Wet Floor

Over 2 million workplace related injuries and illnesses occur every year. If not insured correctly, employers could be liable for any illnesses or injuries they could have potentially caused.

What is Employer’s liability insurance?

Employer liability insurance is a vital type of insurance that any business must-have, regardless of size. Injury and damages to employees are extremely common within the workplace and if you do not have the right insurance, you could be liable. This is regardless of if the worker is permanent, temporary or voluntary, it is integral for you to keep yourself safe and insured against any workplace related accidents.

Employer liability is insurance to protect your employees from getting hurt at work or becoming ill because of the toxic chemicals that was inhaled due to the environment.

Why do I need Employer’s Liability Insurance?

As stated before, there are a huge number of workplace related accidents that occur per year – with 1.9m being reported through the Labour Force Survey, and 70,000 being reported through RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) which tend to be much more serious. Employers are given protection against this by the employer’s liability insurance.

You may wonder, what cover do I get from Employer’s Liability Insurance? You will have protection if the following happens in your workplace;

  • An injury to cleaning or maintenance staff while doing their job (falling over equipment, for example.)
  • Clerical staff become ill or injured from computer overuse
  • Injury caused by scaffolding
  • Injury due to slipping on a wet floor

As you can see, there are numerous workplace related injuries which could occur to employees within the workplace. You must make sure to attempt to avoid all these issues of course, but sometimes it’s natural that they will happen regardless of how many precautions are takes. You need to be ready for every circumstance – that’s where we come in.

How we can help.

Trevellyan Insurance Brokers aim to secure you reliable and low-cost insurance that is perfect for your business. If you already have employer liability insurance, we’ll do our best to secure you an even better deal. And, if you don’t have employer’s liability insurance, then what are you waiting for? We can offer your business the perfect quote.

Call us at +44 (0)20 7537 6603 or email us at [email protected] for any inquires.